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When it comes to RV ownership, there are plenty of options to buy or rent. If you decide to go all-in and purchase an RV, know that there are options available for payments. These options exist because while RV ownership is rewarding, fun, and cost-efficient, it does come at an expense. For some, the lump sum is too much to handle. But, with financing options available, there are many ways to realize your dream of purchasing an RV without breaking the bank.

Financing Options Are Available

When you choose to purchase an RV, you can customize it to your unique needs and enjoy the convenience of being able to travel when you want, where you want. But the reality is that RVs do cost money. At Hiemstra, we want to be sure that you can afford the RV of your dreams, and that you can pay for any upgrades or accessories you need to make your RV experience fun and affordable. That’s why we offer financing options.

Learn why buying an RV is the superior option

The Benefits of Financing


Financing plans will allow you to more easily manage the overall purchase price of an RV. Most financing plans also require minimal up-front investments.

While financing may end up cost a little more when you consider interest, it’s actually a more affordable option when you break down the manageable monthly payments and compare them to the lump sum upfront cost of purchasing an RV outright.

Learn more about Hiemstra’s Financing Options

Options Available

When you finance at Hiemstra, you have options. We help our clients create customized financing plans that help them meet their RV goals while sticking to a budget they’re comfortable with. Hiemstra will never try to get you to agree to a financing agreement that doesn’t align with the budget you set.

There are 100s of RV options out there, and they’re all as unique and customizable as your financial plan can be. By adjusting amortization periods, and increasing or decreasing your down payment, the Hiemstra team will make sure that you get the financing option that is right for you.

Build Credit

A financing plan can help you increase your credit rating score providing you make all payments on time. As well, financing an RV will diversify the debt you manage as part of your financial portfolio, which will also have a positive impact on your credit score. Making a significant purchase, such as an RV, and paying for the entire thing upfront using cash doesn’t have any impact on your credit score. So, even if you have the cash on hand, consider financing if improving your credit score is a goal you have.

More Buying Power

What’s the difference between a $20,000 RV and one that’s $30,000? Consider all of the upgrades, space, and amenities you can add with that money. Or maybe that difference is between an RV model you could settle for and the RV model of your dreams. That’s where financing comes in. Financing gives you more buying power so that you don’t have to skimp on the things that matter most, because you spread out a larger payment, instead of trying to make a payment that may cause you financial hardship at the moment. Financing provides the buying power needed to get the RV that’s right for you.

Make an Investment

Your RV is an investment. Financing allows you to make a larger investment, which will return dividends. Consider the following ROI from financing an RV:

  • Resale: Upgraded RV models with amenities have a higher resale value than basic models. Financing plans give you the buying power to purchase an RV that will have great resale value.
  • Financial Freedom: A financing plan that suits your budget will free up funds monthly. Those can be used toward outings, park fees, and day trips to see local attractions.
  • Memories: The memories you’ll create in the RV of your dreams that you were able to purchase using a Hiemstra financing plan are priceless.

At Hiemstra, we want to help you purchase the RV that fits your needs, lifestyle, and budget. We understand that when you buy an RV, you’re also investing in lifelong memories. We can help you choose the right RV, and one that you’ll be able to continue to afford and maintain over time. If you have questions about Hiemstra’s financing plans, or if you’re ready to finance an RV purchase, come on by and chat with one of our financing specialists. We’ll be happy to discuss your options. Contact us today or visit us online.

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